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Joseph E. McGrath Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Groups

INGRoup values and promotes diversity in theoretical and methodological perspectives for examining and understanding group processes and outcomes. This award goes to an individual whose work has shown an enduring commitment to advancing the interdisciplinary science of team or small group behavior, dynamics, and outcomes. The award recipient is granted a lifetime membership to INGRoup, is recognized at the INGRoup conferences, and receives a commemorative plaque. In addition, the recipient is invited to give an address that relates to his or her contributions at the subsequent meeting of INGRoup. Peer and self-nominations are submitted before the annual conference. For more information, see the nomination guidelines and procedures.

J. Richard Hackman Award for the Dissertation that Most Significantly Advances the Study of Groups

INGRoup values and promotes diversity in theoretical and methodological perspectives for examining and understanding group processes and outcomes. This award goes to a new PhD whose doctoral dissertation shows the greatest potential to advance the understanding of groups beyond one discipline. The award recipient is recognized at the INGRoup conference and on the INGRoup website, receives a commemorative plaque, and receives complementary registration and an invitation to present their dissertation in a feature session at the following year's INGRoup conference. Peer and self-nominations are submitted before the annual conference. For more information, view the policy and guidelines.

Early Career Award

This award goes to an early career individual whose work to date has who has made distinguished contributions and demonstrated a clear commitment to advancing the interdisciplinary science of team or small group behavior, dynamics, and outcomes. The award recipient is recognized at the INGRoup conference, receiving a commemorative plaque and recognition on the INGRoup website. The recipient will also receive complimentary registration and an invitation to participate in a featured session at the following year's INGRoup conference. Peer and self-nominations are submitted before the annual conference. For more information, view the policy and guidelines.

Outstanding Conference Paper

This award is given to the top paper selected from conference submissions that were complete papers (rather than long abstracts). The authors receive a plaque at the conference where the paper is presented.

Outstanding Conference Poster

This award is given to the best paper at the conference that is presented during the poster session. The authors receive a plaque at the conference where the poster is presented.

Best Graduate Student Paper

INGRoup Conference papers with a graduate student as first author and primary researcher are eligible for this award. See the eligibility and qualifications here.

Friends of INGRoup

The Friends of INGRoup Award is given to those individuals who have been instrumental to the creation or maintenance of INGRoup as an association.

INGRoup 2023 Award Winners


Joseph E. McGrath Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Groups


Scott I. Tannenbaum

President at The Group for Organizational Effectiveness, Inc.
Albany, New York, USA


J. Richard Hackman Award for the Dissertation that Most Significantly Advances the Study of Groups


Carla Roos, Ph.D.

Tilburg University

Outstanding Conference Paper

Ke Michael Mai, Trevor Spoelma, Yating Wang, Lei Huang, and Wu Wei
Examining the Impact of Team Secrecy on Team Innovation 

Outstanding Conference Student Paper

Dongil (Marco) Jang, Stephen Jones, and Pri Shah
Trusting Teammates Based on the Ties in your Mind: How Cognitive Social Structures Influence Perceived Trustworthiness in Teams

Outstanding Conference Poster
Vanessa Begemann, Maie Stein, and Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock
The Ebb and Flow of Gossip: A Non-Linear Perspective on Emerging Gossip Patterns in Group Conversations

Small Group Research Best Paper
Elwira A. Hałgas, Kyana H. J. van Eijndhoven, Josette M. P. Gevers, Travis J. Wiltshire, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, and Sonja Rispens 
A Review of Using Wearable Technology to Assess Team Functioning and Performance 

Past Award Winners
