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HomeAwards 2016

2016 INGRoup Awards

Joseph E. McGrath Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Groups

Sara Kiesler

Hillman Professor of Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction
Carnegie Mellon University
J. Richard Hackman Award for the Dissertation that Most Significantly Advances the Study of Groups

Margaret Luciano, Ph.D.

University of Connecticut

Outstanding Conference Paper

Bertolt Meyer, Andreas Glenz, Murat Tarakci, Lindred Greer, and Sherry Thatcher
Ego-faultlines: An individual-level perspective on social network formation and creativity in project organizations

Outstanding Conference Student Paper

Jonathan Kush

Ties That Bind and Ties That Tear: The Network’s Influence on Identity and Transactive Memory


Outstanding Conference Poster
Franziska Tschan, Norbert Semmer, Sandra Keller, Elian Holzer, Daniel Candinas, and Guido Beldi
Impact of Structured Communication in the Operating Room on Surgical Site Infections

Small Group Research Best Paper
Joe Radzevick
Does Transition Experience Improve Newcomer Performance? Evidence From the National Basketball Association