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HomeAwards 2022

2022 INGRoup Awards

Joseph E. McGrath Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Groups

Carsten De Dreu

Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology
Universiteit Leiden (Leiden University)
J. Richard Hackman Award for the Dissertation that Most Significantly Advances the Study of Groups

Diego Gómez-Zará, Ph.D.

Northwestern University
Early Career Award

Margaret Luciano

Associate Professor of Management
Smeal College of Business
Pennsylvania State University

Outstanding Conference Paper

Florian Klonek, Georgia Hay, and Sharon Parker,
The Role of Team Interaction Patterns for Diagnosing Rare Diseases

Outstanding Conference Student Paper

Tom L. Junker, Arnold B. Bakker, Daantje Derks, and Dylan Molenaar
Agile Work Practices: Measurement and Mechanisms

Outstanding Conference Poster
Randall Peterson and JoEllyn Prouty-McLaren
How Boardroom Group Dynamics Affect Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Small Group Research Best Paper
Lena Müller-Frommeyer and Simone Kauffeld
Capturing the Temporal Dynamics of Language Style Matching in Groups and Teams